The Aruba GPS map has been updated with the latest information available including more hotels, restaurants and attractions. The geography team at has also focused on improving geographic features by realigning road for better accuracy, improving coastline features for better display of water features and making Tierra del Sol golf course look just a bit nicer on the GPS screen.
Version 1..5 of the Aruba map for Garmin includes the following:
• Added 5km of new roads.
• Added 2km of oneways.
• Added 18km of road names.
• Added 51 new POIs.
• Added telephone, email, website and more details to POIs.
• Improved road geometry throughout Aruba.
• Improved ocean geometry.
• Improved navigation.
The following screenshots illustrate the level of detail within the Aruba GPS map.
The Aruba GPS Map is a great tool to have with you as you explore the island and relax! You can purchase the map through our secure online store.